The Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation exists to help United Methodist churches, ministries, boards and agencies with all things financial regarding their ministries. We hope to support your church or group in expanding your ministry.
New Ministry Grants
Since the 1980s we have been able to offer grants to help projects and creative ministries get off the ground in the first years. If you have a creative and innovative program, project or activity which is new to your group, this may be for you. Please read what MAY be and will NOT be funded. These grants are to be considered seed money rather than continuing support. Grants typically phase out after three years. A grant cycle is one calendar year starting in 2025.
The SPRING application deadline for grants to provide seed money for new and creative ministries is March 1. (NOTE: This means that your grant application must be either postmarked or received in our office via email with all required signatures on March 1.) The FALL application deadline for grants to provide seed money for new and creative ministries is November 1. (NOTE: This means that your grant application must be either postmarked or received in our office via email with all required signatures on November 1.)
General Policies and Guidelines Governing Grants (pdf document)
Grants Application (A pdf fillable-form that you may complete, save and print using free Adobe Reader software.)
Wells Stewardship Challenge Grant 3.0
The Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation has developed the Wells Stewardship Challenge Grant to encourage and reward congregations that develop an appropriate, intentional stewardship plan. By providing a cash incentive, this Challenge Grant hopes to encourage churches to develop a comprehensive stewardship program that will help achieve their goals in the area of stewardship.
When your congregation’s application and plan are submitted to the Foundation, you will receive $200 (the encouragement part!) When the final report is received the remainder of the money will be sent (the reward part!) There is no designated start date to this program. After your initial plan has been submitted and approved, the activities should be completed and the final report submitted all within 12 months. A church may apply once a year in three different years. To begin, complete the application and email it to Rev. Jason Mahnke at the Foundation.
What’s new with version 3.0?
- If a church applies for and completes the Stewardship Challenge Grant for the first time, the church receives an additional $100 growth mindset award.
- If your church has completed the Stewardship Challenge Grant, it is eligible to become a Stewardship Challenge Grant Ambassador, which means:
- Your church will receive $75 for every church who applies for the Stewardship Challenge Grant because of your church’s recommendation.
- Your church will receive $150 for each church that you coach/assist through their first year of the Stewardship Challenge Grant after their final report is turned in and approved.
Saving Grace Grant
The Saving Grace Grant Program is designed to offer training, financial incentives, and seed money for launching Saving Grace in your local church or community. This Grant Program is three weeks long and is designed to give potential Saving Grace small group leaders an overview of the class material and a forum to discuss best practices for advertising and leading Saving Grace small groups in their local church and community.
Rote Youth Ministries Grant
The Rote Grant was established from a bequest given by Dwight L Rote of Monroe Wisconsin to support United Methodist Churches ministering to youth in/from Green County. The application deadline is November 1st. (NOTE: This means that your grant application must be either postmarked or received in our office with all required signatures on November 1.)